World Building

It was customary that from the moment the sun went down and until the sun went up, the people of Aquene would walk to the Fighter’s Circle without any other light but that of the moon, and take a stand upon those steps in silence. In the silence of the Matron Mother and with the silent voice of the dead would the people of Aquene reflect on those that have come to the Circle and have lost life, and reflect on those lost so that as the sun rose that morning it would welcome the new life and those that would take the challenge to then change their life as the night changed to the day to allow the living their time in the light that has been granted upon them.

There is something therapeutic in world building through the eyes of your characters. After spending a few years incapable of actually focusing on NaNoWriMo and my writing due to the daily needs around me, it is also healing to be able to manage 5 days of writing and able to meet my daily goals. If not the word count but the intent to sit, write, and imagining something new that I have neither read or seen before.

Now that it is past midnight, I am now entering into day 6 with an overall goal of 10k words, maybe, just maybe I got this.

For those of you that are participating, how are you feeling about your goals? Are YOU #writingwithintent? What unique aspect of your worldbuilding has you impressed with yourself?

NaNoWriMo: 8,345 / 50,000